It seems that Google+ will turn out to be the fastest growing social network ever. Using an invite only policy, it managed to drum up significant buzz among the geek and internet elites. It borrowed several features from the once heir apparent Diaspora (Diaspa-what? remember the six figures worth of funding they generated on Kickstarter […]

Firstly, a preface. And this breaks all of my own rules about prefaces in books because I believe that an author’s work should support itself. But grant me this one exception. In the New Media Lab, there exists a standing rule. You cannot talk disparagingly of one operating system over another. Neither Windows nor Mac […]

At the New Media Lab, we’re currently working on developing a better way of supporting students in the way that they present their work online. Naturally, for many students working on projects where the site itself isn’t the innovation, I strongly endorse content management systems (CMSs). The freedom to focus on the content or the […]

  • A little about me

    My name is Aaron Knoll (as per the title and URL) and I work in the New Media Lab as an advisor of sorts. I assist students working on digital media projects by being available to discuss technology, options, best practices and modern approaches to digital scholarship, as well as the applications and alternatives that are available. I use my 10+ years of experience, having worked in nearly ever IT role that has ever been dreamed up, to offer expertise, advice, and support for the directions they choose to take in their projects.

    I have fulfilled this role in the New Media Lab for over three years and look forward to continue supporting students as they ambitiously look towards the future with their digital work.

  • Disclaimer

    The views expressed here are my own and they do not represent an official stance of the New Media Lab or any of my colleagues affiliated with the New Media Lab.

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