Envisioning the Future Technology of the New Media Lab
September 28, 2011 | 1 Comment
Lately I’ve been having a rather interesting dilemma. I’ve been thinking about if we were to update a few of our oldest Windows machines, what would I get? We’ve had these top-of-the-line all-the-bells-and-whistles Dells for many years now. I can only hope that many others look on them as I do- as valiant machines who […]
On the “Self-Repair Manifesto.”
June 10, 2011 | 3 Comments
Firstly, a preface. And this breaks all of my own rules about prefaces in books because I believe that an author’s work should support itself. But grant me this one exception. In the New Media Lab, there exists a standing rule. You cannot talk disparagingly of one operating system over another. Neither Windows nor Mac […]